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African Mortgage Development Corporation

"A new way to build a village"

What we do

Develop affordable housing communities

We build affordable houses and develop housing communities with an integrated housing finance mechanism. A new way to build a village.

Green Building and Sustainable Community

We incorporate green building technologies to develop  sustainable communities with 24/7 access to electricity, water and waste water management.

Creating access to mortgage finance

We provide the mortgage finance for home buyers who purchase a  house in our communities



We are primarily a mortgage company focused on increasing access to mortgage finance in sub-Saharan Africa. Our vision is to be the most creative and dynamic housing finance company in Africa. Our goal is to create access to homeownership on a scale not yet seen on the African continent. Our mission is to finance, secure and sustainable communities by creating a new way to build a village.

Limited or no access to mortgage financing by the average African middle-class family has resulted in a low rate of homeownership and very little development of sustainable and affordable residential communities. With an unreliable electricity grid and erratic water supply, single family homes are built in a haphazard manner with individual arrangements for utilities in the form of diesel generators and unsightly plastic water tanks.

Although our primary focus is to build an efficient and scalable mortgage platform, it is also necessary that the underlying properties are standardized, sustainable and transferable with stable, and ultimately rising values. We therefore see a great opportunity to leapfrog the inefficiencies and underdevelopment of the housing sector by investing in the construction of sustainable residential housing communities that will have 24/7 access to electricity and water. Each community will have several amenities. The houses built will incorporate green and alternative building technologies.

The investment in property development will form the backbone for the implementation of our mortgage origination platform (MOP) that is proprietary, secure and scalable. The MOP will be the centerpiece of an integrated finance mechanism that will deliver mortgages to the middle-class homebuyers in these communities. The MOP will use alternative credit methods to assess credit risk and generate our proprietary MOP score that will be used to standardize the loan origination process. The goal is to create a uniform and homogenous pool of mortgages that can be sold or potentially used as collateral for a bond issue. This will create the liquidity required for these communities to be replicated and scaled. The beauty about this business model is that it transcends any particular geography and can be used throughout Africa thus increasing access to middle class homebuyers across the continent.


With the deep market penetration of mobile phones in Africa, the continent has “leapfrogged” technology without waiting on governments to provide landlines and develop phone infrastructure. The African Mortgage Development Corporation (AfMDC) is proposing to “leapfrog” the inefficiencies and underdevelopment of the housing industry by developing a mortgage origination platform (MOP) that will serve as the foundation of an integrated financing mechanism designed to deliver mortgages to middle class homebuyers who purchase homes in newly developed, sustainable communities. These communities will have 24/7 access to electricity, water and waste-water treatment. Our goal is to provide financing and develop communities that can be easily managed, replicated, and scaled. Building houses without creating better access to mortgage finance, will not resolve the problem, neither will increasing access to mortgage finance without an adequate housing inventory. The solution is a company that brings property development and mortgage financing under one roof.

The Problem

The major problem in Africa is our inability to provide affordable housing and access to mortgage finance at scale. There is a major housing shortage on the continent but let’s imagine that we wake up tomorrow morning and 100,000 brand new affordable housing units appear. What happens then? What do we do? How do we get people into these houses? The list of major obstacles to the development of the housing finance market in Africa includes the lack of long-term finance, weak credit markets, and an unstable macroeconomic environment. The housing sector on the continent suffers from the low capacity of the construction industry, the high cost of construction, and the lack of development of the housing finance sector, including the absence of a strong mortgage market and the liquidity for mortgage funding. Lenders do not have the ability to originate quality mortgages in volume as all the inputs that go into the development of a strong housing sector are underdeveloped or inefficient.


Mortgage lending in Africa is largely in the hands of retail commercial banks or state owned or state affiliated institutions. These banks are inflexible by nature especially when it comes to change and innovation. Banks tend to be cumbersome and slow in adopting new systems partly due to their inherent bureaucratic structure and culture which hampers their ability to adopt or develop new technologies. Governments are worse.

Banks also engage in other lending activities with mortgages being a small part of their portfolio. One of the major issues facing the banks when it comes to mortgage lending is that they deal with short term deposits that are largely short-term liabilities. This creates a problem if they want to engage in long term lending because there is a maturity mismatch. Another major issue facing banks in Africa is the difficulty in assessing credit risk among the population that are not their customers. It is not possible for banks to engage in mortgage lending at scale if they can’t evaluate the credit risk of potential borrowers who are not their customers.

The Solution

To build houses and provide mortgage financing at scale you must be able to originate a pool of mortgages that can later be sold or used as collateral for some type of bond issuance. This will create the liquidity needed for scaling. To do this requires some type of standardization during the origination process so that potential investors can understand and evaluate the mortgages produced. Standardization is the foundation of mortgage underwriting as it helps lenders create underwriting guidelines that are used to determine the three C’s of residential mortgage underwriting: Capacity, Collateral, and Character.

Our solution is to develop a mortgage origination platform (MOP) that will be used to take mortgage loan applications, assess an applicant’s credit risk, and underwrite the loan. It is designed to mitigate the origination risk and credit risk at the point of origination. The centerpiece of the MOP is a credit risk mitigator (CRM) that will be used to make the credit decision. This CRM will generate a proprietary “MOP” score that is like a FICO score. It will be used as our credit standard

We will build these housing communities and incorporate alternative building technologies. There will be no need for separate construction financing as the mortgages funded will serve as both construction and permanent financing. The loans will fund in groups rather than individually. The construction will take place between the funding and the day of occupancy 30 days later. We are combining innovative housing finance techniques and alternative building technologies to create a module that can be replicated and scaled throughout Africa.


It is very important to see each housing community as a singular module. At the input of the module is a quality loan origination process that provides mortgages to home buyers to purchase the houses within the module. The tangible aspect of the module is the infrastructure that is being built and the community that is being developed. You can identify it, locate it, touch it, feel it, and experience it. Coming out of the module is an intangible pool of quality mortgage loans that will provide the liquidity necessary to replicate the module and scale it.



Each community/module will be sustainable and will have 24/7 access to electricity, water and waste-water management treatment. The communities will be family friendly with several amenities including playgrounds, tennis courts, exercise facilities and parks. The AfMDC will be involved in the management of these communities in order to preserve the quality of the collateral. Effective quality management will also serve as a credit risk mitigation strategy and a way to increase property values. The fact that homeowners will live in a safe and secure environment with continuous access to electricity and water will serve as a motivating factor for them to pay their mortgages on time and it will also create a demand for others to want to live in these communities which will put upward pressure on property values. Classic supply and demand.


Start work on first housing estate


Complete MOP development


Integrate MOP with housing estate development


The AfMDC pilot project will  comprise of a housing community with 200 homes and a system to deliver mortgages to the homebuyers . The community will HAVE 24/7 electricity, water, and waste water management services. Each community will include several amenities The idea is to have these housing communities serve as modules that can be easily replicated and scaled. 

For this system to be effective and sustainable the AfMDC will team up with ColeWood Properties, a housing estate developer in Ghana. AfMDC’s housing finance arm is a non-bank mortgage entity that uses a credit facility/warehouse line to fund mortgages. These mortgages will be held for a few years until seasoned and then bonds will be issued.

Developing housing communities without providing housing finance for potential homebuyers is a recipe for failure because the only demographic with the means to purchase homes are people who already have cash and don’t need loans. On the other hand, providing access to housing finance without the necessary housing inventory for buyers to purchase will also fail. Therefore the​ housing development section will focus on the construction and development of these communities while the housing finance section will focus on the financing mechanism that will be used to facilitate the purchase of the houses. 


Frederick Cole is the President and CEO of the African Mortgage Development Corporation (AfMDC) which is seeking to fund the development of affordable housing communities with an integrated mortgage financing mechanism for residential housing units in Ghana. The mortgage financing mechanism will have a mortgage origination platform that uses alternative credit risk analysis methods developed by the AfMDC. This will serve as the framework for the construction and delivery of single family housing units. The AfMDC will seek financing from private equity, individual, and institutional investors, commercial banks, development finance agencies, international donor agencies and the Government of Ghana. 

Frederick Cole received a BS in Finance from the University of Maryland University College and completed a Masters in Real Estate at Georgetown University in Washington DC. He has worked in the mortgage finance/real estate industry for 20 years and has a strong working knowledge of residential mortgage origination, underwriting methodologies and underwriting standards.

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